Moor Pool Heritage Trust

Our story

Moor Pool Heritage Trust is a registered charity that now looks after the community buildings and assets on the Moor Pool Estate Conservation Area.  The Trust was formed by the local community in 2011 and raised £325k in funds to secure community ownership of the Hall and other community assets for continued community use. 

These include the Moor Pool, two tennis courts, a bowling green, and various green spaces, allotments and garages. A successful fundraising campaign and grant support raising £325, 000 in 2013-2014 enabled the Trust to purchase these assets from the former owners. These are now extensively used by various clubs, societies and various events that can take place at the hall, for Moor Pool residents and non-residents.

The various activities of the Trust focus on community, education, heritage and environment, and promoting and preserving the heritage of the Moor Pool Estate garden suburb.

The Moor Pool Estate Timeline


John Sutton Nettlefold

John Sutton Nettlefold is appointed Chairman of the new Housing Committee dealing with the problem of social housing in Birmingham. Inspired by the Garden City Movement, as pioneered by Ebenezer Howard, he has a vision of creating an ideal place to live that combines the benefits of both the town and the countryside.


Harborne Tenants Ltd

Harborne Tenants Ltd was formed under the Industrial & Provident Societies Act. Individual tenants could buy a minimum of 2 shares each in the Estate company and could gradually increase their holding.

26 Oct 1907
26 Oct 1907

Cutting the first sod

Margaret Nettlefold (wife of John Sutton Nettlefold) cuts the first sod of the Moor Pool Estate. In his opening address, Dr William Gore says, “There must be better houses, more air, more gardens, and more spaces for playgrounds for children”.

24 May 1908
24 May 1908

First house opens

The first house is completed on the corner of Moor Pool Avenue and Park Hill Road and is officially opened.

05 Nov 1910
05 Nov 1910

Moor Pool Hall opens

Building of the Moor Pool Estate continues and Moor Pool Hall is officially opened.


The Moor Pool Estate is completed.


Change of status

Harborne Tenants changes to a Company under the companies act.


Conservation area

Moor Pool Estate becomes a designated conservation area. It remains an almost completely intact example of a garden suburb built to provide affordable housing in a semi-rural environment. 


Bradford Property Trust

Bradford Property Trust acquires the Moor Pool Estate from Harborne Tenants Ltd. Some owners and tenants acquire a lot of shares and are happy to sell.


Grainger plc

Grainger plc takes over from Bradford Property Trust.


Houses protected

Article 4(2) Direction secured to prevent further alterations to houses that affect character of the estate.


Moor Pool Heritage Trust

The community spaces around the Estate are under threat of being sold for redevelopment so MPHT is formed to save them.

2013 - 2014
2013 - 2014

Fundraising begins

MPHT embarks on an ambitious fundraising campaign to raise the £325,000 needed to save the community assets. The community come together to support various fundraising events, the Trust successfully applies for Heritage Lottery grant funding and local businessman Bob Mitchell steps up to bridge the funding gap with a very generous donation.

21 Dec 2014
21 Dec 2014

MPHT protects assets

Moor Pool Heritage Trust takes ownership of the community assets from Grainger plc, following a successful fundraising campaign.

27 Oct 2015
27 Oct 2015

Circle Cinema is founded

A film club and community cinema based at Moor Pool Hall is founded by local residents. It’s still going strong today, showing seven films per year.

December 2015
December 2015

Our team grows

MPHT employs its first staff to manage the day-to-day running of the Estate. Barbara Nomikos becomes the Hall & Assets Manager and Rachel West is recruited as the Education & Community Outreach Officer.


Skittle Alley door is replaced

A door is replaced from the original Edwardian skittle alley to the Lower Hall to conform to fire regulations.

July 2016
July 2016

Moor Pool Players bid farewell

After treading the boards of Moor Pool Hall’s stage for almost 40 years, the curtain comes down one last time for the Moor Pool Players, our resident amateur dramatics group. 

21 May 2017
21 May 2017

Nettlefold Garden opens

With thanks to Pocket Park funding from Birmingham City Council and the hard work of local volunteers, the Nettlefold Garden opens in 2017.

10 Sep 2017
10 Sep 2017

The Main Hall kitchen is refurbished

The kitchen refurbishment project is the first major fundraising project carried out at Moor Pool Hall. It is made possible by generous donations and the amount raised through fundraising events. We were also delighted to have received a grant from Harborne Parish Lands and generous donations from the Moor Pool Players and Moor Pool Residents Association. 

May 2018
May 2018

The Lower Hall floods

A freak storm floods the Lower Hall, damaging the render and original woodblock flooring. The Lower Hall is out of use for nearly a year.


First University of Birmingham placement student joins the team

The first of our University of Birmingham Heritage & Engagement placement students joins the team and takes part in a variety of activities to support the Trust and engage community.

February 2019
February 2019

Interpretation panels are installed around the Estate

Five interpretation panels are installed across the Estate enabling visitors and residents to explore and learn more about the Moor Pool Estate at their leisure. A few months later these are accompanied by a self-guided trail leaflet available in printed format and available as an online download.

27 Jul 2019
27 Jul 2019

The Lower Hall kitchen is upgraded

Following the flooding of 2018 that left the Lower Hall and kitchen out of use for a year, a new kitchen is installed in the Lower Hall including better equipment, more cupboard space, larger sinks and new white goods, and better access. 

20 Oct 2019
20 Oct 2019

Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

Moor Pool Heritage Trust receives a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service at an official ceremony at Birmingham Hippodrome. It is a huge honour for our wonderful volunteers past and present.

20 Mar 2020
20 Mar 2020

COVID-19 shuts the Halls

In response to the global coronavirus pandemic, we take the decision to close our community halls. Our outdoor spaces remain open for community use. We receive Covid relief funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

14 Nov 2021
14 Nov 2021

The Elizabeth Oak is planted

‘The Elizabeth Oak’, named after Queen Elizabeth II, is planted in the Nettlefold Garden as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative to honour the Platinum Jubilee. The oak sapling is kindly donated by The Alscot Estate in Warwickshire.

21 Apr 2022
21 Apr 2022

Carless Eco Centre opens

The outdoor space behind the Square and the Builder’s Yard is developed through grants, fundraising and many hours of volunteer work and transformed into the Carless Eco Centre with a log cabin, greenhouse, raised beds and wheelchair access.

26 Sep 2023
26 Sep 2023

MPHT purchases the Estate Office

The Moor Pool jigsaw is complete with the purchase of the Estate Office from Grainger plc, thanks to financial support from the Community Ownership Fund (The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities) and the Harborne Tenants Snooker Club.