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Leave a gift in your will to Moor Pool Heritage Trust

John Sutton Nettlefold, the founder of Moor Pool Estate, left us an incredible legacy and we are proud to now conserve the character of his beautiful garden suburb for future generations.

From preserving and improving our listed buildings and maintaining the green environment of trees, pool and parks, to providing educational opportunities for local young people, our supporters are ensuring that Moor Pool Heritage Trust continues to fulfil it’s mission. By giving in your will, you will play a vital role in our future plans and even a small donation can make a big difference. If you love Moor Pool and want to keep its historic character, please consider leaving us a gift in your will.

How to leave a gift in your will

Writing a will often isn’t particularly expensive, but it is essential to make sure your estate is taken care of and goes to help the friends, family and causes that you care most about. In every case we recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or updating your will to ensure it is in line with current legislation.

Gifts in wills take various different forms, all of which could benefit Moor Pool Heritage Trust. The most common types of gift are:

  • residuary bequest is a gift of anything that is left over once all other specific gifts in your will have been distributed (the ‘residue’). You can leave the whole of your residue to Moor Pool Heritage Trust, or a percentage of it.
  • pecuniary bequest is a specific gift from your estate, usually a specific sum of money.
  • particular item, such as a work of art, a property, or stocks and shares. The wording for this is the same as a pecuniary bequest except that the gift is an item rather than a figure or percentage.

We have full charitable status (Registered Charity Number 1148252) and any gift that you leave to Moor Pool Heritage Trust is free from UK inheritance tax. A gift may therefore mean that you pay less inheritance tax on your overall estate, but you must speak to your solicitor or financial adviser for any advice on this matter. 

There’s more information about leaving a gift to charity in your will on the website.

How your gift will make a difference

Including a gift in your will is a simple way to shape the future of Moor Pool Estate. Here are some of the ways your gift could make a difference:

  • Preserve our listed buildings by funding much-needed maintenance to our Grade 2 listed Halls and Estate Office.
  • Improve our community facilities by helping us to make our spaces more accessible, comfortable and welcoming.
  • Provide educational sessions for school children and young adults in our Orchard and Carless Eco Centre.
  • Protect our green spaces by ensuring that the Pool’s eco-system thrives and our large trees are well maintained.
  • Engage our community through free social events and volunteering opportunities.

Contact us about legacies

If you are considering leaving a legacy, or would like to discuss the difference you want to make in more detail, we would love to hear from you. Please email Clare at or call 0121 274 7885.